Fight for your Dreams

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

I don’t know what that dream is that you have. I don’t care how disappointing it might’ve been as you’ve been working towards that dream, but that dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s Possible…

That some of you already know that its Hard it’s not easy. For those of you that have experience some hardships, don’t give up on your Dreams.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and fight for your dreams!

Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs to mention a few. These are the risk takers. Those are men who left everything they had for their dreams.

Because they know “The future is not a gift, but an achievement.”

You have a choice, whether to be a mad man or a bold genius. What’s the difference? A mad man is somebody who does the same action over and over and over for an unknown Dream. A bold genius is somebody who does the same action over and over and over again for a known Dream.

Your dreams are limitless.

We choose to rise, not fall. We choose to live, not die. I believes in you, and I know you can do whatever you want. You have unlimited potential.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams…

LIVE your dream. When you live your dream, you don’t go looking for happiness; happiness will come looking for you. When you LIVE your dream you don’t go looking for others approval. Others will come looking for you.
When you LIVE your dream and die, your dream will LIVE after you.

LIVE your dream.
You don’t need your friends to live your dream.
You don’t need your family members to leave your dream.
You and only you have got the power to make your dream come true.

Only you and no one else.

Many people get hit by life but they NEVER hit back!

There’s a lion inside all of us, but some people decide to NEVER let that lion out!
Many people keep that lion locked in its cage.

Let the LION OUT.

But it will ONLY take one person to believe that it’s possible, it will ONLY take one person to put in the work.
…. That person is YOU!

“Remember, there’s a hero and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, and you’ll never go wrong.”

On this happy occasion. I Wish this Dussehara bring courage , determination and dedication in your life.

Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat


The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief, often referred to as Faith, is by far the most powerful and creative force in the universe.

One of our most overlooked superpowers in life is the unbelievable power of our beliefs.

That’s WHY it’s SO IMPORTANT to understand the Power of Belief.

Find me an extremely successful person who doesn’t greatly believe in themselves. It’s not going to happen. Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jordan, Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are just a few highly successful individuals who benefited greatly from this Power of belief . However, it’s not their levels of success that I want to talk about. It’s their willingness to get up again and again when they failed or experienced a setback while in pursuit of creating the life of their dreams.

To live a life of high achievement, you must fully believe in yourself and your ability.

Just as my friend and bestselling author Jon Gordon always says, “Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself.” Just for one week, try talking to yourself like a champion instead of listening to you as a victim. I guarantee that you will be blown away by the results.

If you don’t have a huge amount of belief in yourself, then there is no way you can expect anyone else to believe in you. If you are an employee, you can’t expect your boss to fully believe in you if you don’t even believe in yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, you can’t expect an investor to believe in your ideas if you don’t even believe in yourself.

I once heard a sad story.

There was an elephant at a circus that was chained to a pole as an infant. He tried to break away, but was not strong enough to. Over time, he became monstrous. One day, the circus accidentally went on fire, and the elephant died. He was enormous, and could have easily ripped the pole out of the ground to run away to safety, but there was a SELF-LIMITING BELIEF IN HIS MIND that told him he would not be able to do it, and so he didn’t even try.

Do you understand the impact your beliefs can have on your life? Do you understand that even though you may not be able to see how or why (just like the elephant), they have the ability to transform your life?

A few examples:

  1. How did Thomas Edison invent the ability for humans to see at night? He BELIEVED that it was possible, and tried 10,000 different combinations until he found the right formula to invent the light bulb.
  2. Why do we pay 10,000 Rs for shoes with a Nike or Red Chief brand name on it rather than a Action or a Bata? Because our society and advertising has made us BELIEVE that it is worth the money.
  3. Why does MacDonald’s coffee cost ten times as much money as homemade coffee, even though homemade coffee was found to taste better in a blind taste test? Because MacDonald’s has a fancy name, exotic flavors, and a nice atmosphere, and so people BELIEVE it is more valuable.


What I’ve come to understand is that EVERYTHING is based on belief. EVERYTHING.

It can break you, it can make you,

You can become strongly mental or you can become mentally strong,

You can have a hopeless end or you can have an endless hope- Vivek Bindra

Your beliefs are a tool to serve and empower you. Start thinking about which ones have slipped by your radar undetected for years and years, and is still holding you back right now.

If you make a habit of reading the new beliefs you want to have to yourself every morning, for at least a few weeks, you will begin to really internalize them, and you will be amazed at how much it can change your life.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

So keep Reading my blogs. Keep sharing too…

From Dreams to Destiny

No one can decide how you live your life and no one can force you to do things if you don’t want to. If you can read this article in my blog, it simply means that you have enough freedom to choose how you can live your life.

You are who you are and where you are right now because of all your decisions and your own actions.

“Take action to fulfill your destiny, even if at first you think you suck. You just need to believe you are special”

If you hate your work, you can just call your boss and tell him that you want to resign. It is your own thinking that stops you from getting what you want.

It is your own excuse saying that you can’t quit because you have too much commitments and stuff.

If you always wanted to start your own business or invest in properties and stocks, what is holding you back? Not the market, not your friends and certainly not others. It is you that is holding yourself back.

It is your thinking that is stopping you. You are stopping yourself from moving forward and change.

 “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why

I do not believe that any of us have dreams that were not given to us, for the purpose of accomplishing those particularly dreams.

Stretching and challenging, looking for ways that you can begin to improve yourself. Not only is it universe. Logical, Practical thinking says you can’t do it today, but if you want to produce unreasonable result in your life, like living your dream and taking charge of your destiny, you’ve got to be an unreasonable person.

“If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are”

When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls to much that’s very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover simple fact: everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.

Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. If it’s hard why people do it?? Why are they going? Why People who climb mountain. Why would nelson Mandela give up 26 years of his life? Why people do that? Even though it’s hard it’s worth it.

You do what it is you suppose to do, you suppose to build something, you suppose to create something. “I don’t know how to do it”, learn! Let me share something with you, history is being read but it also being written, by people with imagination. Don’t stop! Don’t stop running towards your dream.

“You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.”

 When you understand that you are in control of your life, nothing can come in between what you and what you want, except you.

So have fun enjoying the life that you created for yourself.


Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat

Purpose of Life

I struggled with the question of purpose throughout my Life. My parents tried to tell me on their view of the meaning and purpose of life. They pushed me to become a Engineer OR doctor, make a lot of money, go to College, and not worry about reflecting on life’s big questions. But I was a bit of a rebel. I didn’t really listen to them. Instead of going to College, I spent long and lazy afternoons and evenings with my friends – hanging out, walking, and playing games, doing Party, and thinking often about the meaning and purpose of life.

Everyone has a purpose, and that purpose is simply to live a happy, fulfilled existence.
To give the world yourself, fully, naturally, 100%
To give others your kindness, compassion, to give others your BEST.
To prove to yourself how far you can go in life, not attached to any results – but always pushing yourself to GROW, to develop your mind and spirit. To LIVE more.

If you are unsure of what your purpose is, don’t worry.
The worst thing you could do, is get yourself worried that you haven’t found it yet, or say something like ‘I have no purpose in life’

It will never be absolutely essential you have a great, big, grand purpose.
What is essential is that you commit to working on yourself every single day.

Never stop working on yourself. It is a daily process, a journey not a destination. Everyone has a purpose, and that purpose is simply to be happy.
It’s what everyone is chasing.

That guy that wants to be a multi millionaire – all he really wants is the happiness he thinks the money will bring.

That girl that wants the perfect relationship – what she really wants is the happiness she believes it will bring.

Everyone is chasing material things, but no one is making a commitment to just stop and make it a priority.
Make it a priority to always be searching for the best in life. If that means eliminating bad habits – DO IT NOW. What is more important?

So now you know your purpose, get out there and work on yourself. Work on your happiness.

Make it a priority, that your happiness is more important than ANYTHING.

Live each moment as if it’s your last. Be light-hearted. Don’t take this life too seriously, but make the most of it while you are here.

Be You & never apologize for it!

You only live once, But if you do it right, once is enough. Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish. but you only SPEND IT ONCE. Life is dream for the wise, A game for the fool, A comedy for the Rich and a tragedy for the poor. Life goes on, whether you choose to move on and take chance in the unknown, or stay locked in the past, thinking about what could’ve been So Open your eyes, Look within.

So, Now go and start working on yourself…..!!!!!!

Thank You..

Ashish Ghanwat


Always remember Who You Are

You have forgotten who you are.  Look inside yourself?  You are more than what you have become.

What can be a more amazing travel journey than life itself? Think about this question. It is important. Each of us is born on this planet for a certain purpose. We all have a certain mission to realize in life.

There is a power in being you. Authenticity attracts support, faith, and love from others. Its attractiveness comes from people’s ability to trust and relate to you on a deep level because nothing is hidden. Being yourself requires no extra effort.

I just want to remind you who you are…..

You are beautiful, you are smart, you are funny, you are kind, and you’re unique

You are worthy of LOVE and AFFECTION,

You are never too much and you are always enough

You are precious, you are a Diamond a Rose a Pearl, the most stunning of all God’s Creations

You are worth more than you can ever imagine,

You’re worth more than the numbers on a scale or the hair product you use or the shoes you wear.

More than how many girls wish they were you or how many guys wish they had you

More than the price tags on your clothes or the percentage on the top of your math test or

Even the number of friends you have on Facebook

Whether you love yourself or love your life or you can’t stand to look in the mirror and you feel as if everything in your life is falling apart. Whether your such a winner or you feel like the world’s biggest failure regardless of who you think you are the reality.


In the book ‘A Return to Love’ (1992) by Marianne Williamson”…Writer says

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”




Believe in Yourself…

♥♥♥ Thank You ♥♥♥

Ashish Ghanwat

Never Give Up!!!

If I could say one thing to the every people of today, it would be this: Never give up. Keep trying and pushing and struggling, even if you don’t know what your goal is or why you would want to achieve it.

As you march down the street not giving up, hold your head high and swing your elbows. People will recognize you as someone who won’t give up, and they will get out of your way. Some of them will even hide.

Stand tall and show the world what you are made of. When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again. Never give up on success.

Try, try, try and try again.

Remember, the only way you can fail is if you give up. Every time you fail, you come one step closer to success.

When you look back on your life, don’t have regrets. Believe in yourself; believe in your future, you will find your way.

The fire burning inside you that is very powerful; it is waiting to burn bright. You are meant to do important things.

Following your dreams can be both terrifying and exciting. Inspiration from momentum will save your sinking soul.

How many of us have succeeded in what we try in the first attempt? Not many. This proves that success cannot be attained in one day. There are exceptions where success can be achieved easily. But when it comes to a competitive task or a tough task it takes a lot of patience and needs many attempts to bring success to our side.

We would have heard about the great scientist Thomas Alva Edison. His success story is really motivating. Edison on his experiments to refine the light bulb failed 1000 times. But his attitude towards failure was simply great. He confidently said “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. I found 1000 ways of how not to make a light bulb”

In life, what matters is our attitude. If we give up easily, we cannot taste the flavors of success. It takes years for a tree to give a tasty fruit. Similarly it will take time to make success, sometimes even years. The path of success can be rough and hard, but if we keep going without any lack of confidence the day to success is not really far away.

When you are trying to achieve something and it seems so elusive. When you think you’ve given everything but it just seems impossible to reach your dream. When you think the world is against you, and no one seems to be by your side. When even your inner self is telling you, you can’t do it, when your body is screaming from pain and exhaustion…





Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat


There was a young man, who wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to his guru. And he told the guru you know I want to be on the same level you are and the guru said if you want to be on the same level I’m on, I’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach.

So the young man got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n’ roll. Got on a suit should of wore shorts.
The old man grabs his hand and said: How bad do you want to be successful?
He said: “Real bad”.
He said: Walk on out in the water.
So he walks out into the water. When he walks out to the water he goes waist deep and goes like this guy crazy.
Hey, I want to make money and he got me out here swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard. I want to make money he got me in so he said come on a little further walked out a little further

Hey, I want to make money and he got me out here swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard. I want to make money he got me in so he said come on a little further walked out a little further then he had it right around this area the shoulder area so this old man crazy he making money but he crazy.
So he said  came out a little further, it was right at his mouth my man, I’m not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And

The old man said: “I thought you said you wanted to be successful?”
He said: “I do.”
He said: “Then walk a little further.”
He came, dropped his head in, held him down, hold him down, my manhold him down, he had him held down, just before the man was about to pass out, he raised him up.
He said: “I got a question for you.” When you were under water what do want to do? He told the guy,

He said: I want to breathe

So First Lesson,

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.”

Most of you say you want to be successful but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it. You don’t want it bad than you want to party. You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool. Most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep. Some of you love sleep more than you love success.

When Eric went to, 50 Cent he was doing the soundtrack
Eric said: “When do you sleep?” 50,
50 said: “Sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke.
I don’t sleep.” So I got an opportunity to make my dream become a reality.

Looks don’t cry to give up Cry to keep Going Don’t cry to quit you already in pain, you already hurt.
Get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed.

Emmy Smith Says in Commercial,

“All man created equal some work harder and precise”

If you go through the biographies of great actors like Tom cruise or King of Pop Michael Jackson you will find that they have achieved the prosperity, dignity by overcoming a lot of challenges, struggles in their life.

There some of you if you give up your cell phone you would be successful but your cell phone is more important to you than your success

Some of you need to give up your cell phone because the time you spend on cell phone could be used for your success

Many of us have a number of excuses like ‘ I don’t have a good job as my college was not good’, ‘my financial condition is not good as my parents are poor’. We make excuses to accept failure and stop struggling. So from today take a vow to stop excuses.

And Last but not least one of my favorite

“ Pain is temporary it may last for a minute or an Hour or a day  or even a year but eventually it will subside something else will take its place If I quit However it last forever.”

So Work Hard, Keep Going & Stay connected…


Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat


Be your own hero

Today is an important day. Because you have a decision to make.  Right now, in this moment. Are you going to embrace the unique gift that you’ve been given or are you going to waste it away another day, another moment, and another breath?

Take a moment to think of your life as if you are the author of your own story. Every day you are writing your story that others will see and you get to decide what type of character you’re going to be. Despite all the challenges that arrive in your life you get to decide who you’re going to be and what you’re going to be remembered for. You don’t decide what challenges arrive, but you do decide how you’re going to react to them.

Starts moving towards this passion, this creativity inside of you that’s always been there, but you have been holding it back because of the fear of failure, because of the fear of what other people think about you, because of the fear of not making someone proud.

Now is the time to make a decision. 

Are you going to step up today, in this moment, and move towards the life of your dreams or are you going to stay stuck and move back and start slowly dying?

What decision are you going to make?
Who do you want to become?
What is the legacy that you want to leave behind?

Now is the time.
Become that hero you’ve always been searching for because the world is looking for that hero in you. Greatness was never achieved By those who took the easy road.

You can’t help anyone until you help yourself. And when you make you strong… that strength will spill over to everyone else. They will be inspired by you; they will follow your example.

Keep showing up. If no one invests in you. INVEST IN YOURSELF.
If no one believes in you: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

This is your life, so you have a choice in how you end up living it. You can strive for your dreams or you can continue to just live in the nightmare that you are in. Most people just seem to accept the miserable life that they are in, it is as though they have been hypnotized to just be a slave and they never try and break free from the confines of the average life. The average life is the life that requires no effort to pursue, just sit around and take no action and you will be a huge success at being average. Well done to you, you gave it your all, you tried to pursue your dreams, and you put in the time and effort to learn about success. If you want the normal life do what normal people do, but this site is for people who are striving for their dreams and who want to live life on their terms, so don’t talk about being normal.

There is a hero within you waiting to be let out into the world, each individual has a superhero.

Make the decision today to turn it all around.

You can be your own hero. Now start acting like one and always remember

“You are the captain of your Life

You are the Master of your Fate.

So, Be the Hero of Your Own Story”


Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat

Be the best version of Yourself

Each day is a new opportunity to grow. Each day we can be better than yesterday. Here’s how to be the best version of yourself today.

Warren buffet once said: “The more you LEARN the more You EARN.” That is so true. Look at successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon musk, Operah, Mark Cuban, and any other highly successful human They are successful because they use their time Right.

They are successful because they are life time learners. They commit to learning new Thing EVERY SINGLE DAY.

  1. Warren Buffet one of wealthiest humans on the planet, is famous for reading more than 5 hours every day.
  2. Bill Gates Reads one Book per Week.
  3. Mark Cuban 3 Hours Day.
  4. Operah Well she’s just obsessed with books.

Notice Common theme here? Successful people never stop learning.

Think about this:

You have 86,400 Rupees to spend every single day but when the day is over the money disappears. Wouldn’t you try to spend all of the Money before it disappears??? Wouldn’t you try to use it wisely???Use it as BEST YOU COULD??? Right???

The sad part is we only have 86,400 Seconds in a day and MOST PEOPLE take this time for granted. MOST PEOPLE let this time disappear without a second Thought. We never get this time back. We must USE IT wisely! We must be PRODUCTIVE. We must use our time to do things we enjoy, or Use it to SET UP our life. Instead of wasting your time on meaningless things use it to LEARN new things.

The richest man in the world Bill Gates was once asked which superpower he would like to have The richest man in the world said That he would want to ability to read books faster.

Success is not about the Money, the Fame or a big House. It’s about becoming THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF

Ask yourself these questions now:

  1. How do you spend your time??
  2. How much time do you spend working on you?
  3. How much time do you spend working on your dream?
  4. In Last 90 days how many books have you read?
  5. And In last year what a new skill or knowledge have you acquired?
  6. What kind of investment have made in you?

Work on yourself. Every single day. This is your life we are talking about. Nothing is more important.


Thank You

Ashish Ghanwat