The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief, often referred to as Faith, is by far the most powerful and creative force in the universe.

One of our most overlooked superpowers in life is the unbelievable power of our beliefs.

That’s WHY it’s SO IMPORTANT to understand the Power of Belief.

Find me an extremely successful person who doesn’t greatly believe in themselves. It’s not going to happen. Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jordan, Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are just a few highly successful individuals who benefited greatly from this Power of belief . However, it’s not their levels of success that I want to talk about. It’s their willingness to get up again and again when they failed or experienced a setback while in pursuit of creating the life of their dreams.

To live a life of high achievement, you must fully believe in yourself and your ability.

Just as my friend and bestselling author Jon Gordon always says, “Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself.” Just for one week, try talking to yourself like a champion instead of listening to you as a victim. I guarantee that you will be blown away by the results.

If you don’t have a huge amount of belief in yourself, then there is no way you can expect anyone else to believe in you. If you are an employee, you can’t expect your boss to fully believe in you if you don’t even believe in yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, you can’t expect an investor to believe in your ideas if you don’t even believe in yourself.

I once heard a sad story.

There was an elephant at a circus that was chained to a pole as an infant. He tried to break away, but was not strong enough to. Over time, he became monstrous. One day, the circus accidentally went on fire, and the elephant died. He was enormous, and could have easily ripped the pole out of the ground to run away to safety, but there was a SELF-LIMITING BELIEF IN HIS MIND that told him he would not be able to do it, and so he didn’t even try.

Do you understand the impact your beliefs can have on your life? Do you understand that even though you may not be able to see how or why (just like the elephant), they have the ability to transform your life?

A few examples:

  1. How did Thomas Edison invent the ability for humans to see at night? He BELIEVED that it was possible, and tried 10,000 different combinations until he found the right formula to invent the light bulb.
  2. Why do we pay 10,000 Rs for shoes with a Nike or Red Chief brand name on it rather than a Action or a Bata? Because our society and advertising has made us BELIEVE that it is worth the money.
  3. Why does MacDonald’s coffee cost ten times as much money as homemade coffee, even though homemade coffee was found to taste better in a blind taste test? Because MacDonald’s has a fancy name, exotic flavors, and a nice atmosphere, and so people BELIEVE it is more valuable.


What I’ve come to understand is that EVERYTHING is based on belief. EVERYTHING.

It can break you, it can make you,

You can become strongly mental or you can become mentally strong,

You can have a hopeless end or you can have an endless hope- Vivek Bindra

Your beliefs are a tool to serve and empower you. Start thinking about which ones have slipped by your radar undetected for years and years, and is still holding you back right now.

If you make a habit of reading the new beliefs you want to have to yourself every morning, for at least a few weeks, you will begin to really internalize them, and you will be amazed at how much it can change your life.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

So keep Reading my blogs. Keep sharing too…

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